Showing posts with label professional development. Show all posts
Showing posts with label professional development. Show all posts

Thursday, January 22, 2015

What is The Leader in Me?

The Leader in Me is a whole school transformational process based on Stephen Covey's work The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.  This process is now being implemented in over 2000 schools across the globe. School culture transformation involves the commitment of the school faculty to learn and practice the seven habits and then teach them to their students.  In Leader in Me schools, students take ownership for their academic and behavior goals. They learn social skills and are given opportunities to be leaders. As a result, positive school behavior and academic achievement increases and teachers find renewed satisfaction. Teachers often say that this process enables them to be the teachers they always dreamed to be.   See

I was a school administrator in 2010 when I first read  The Leader in Me.  I admit, I was hooked just by the image that children could feel that there was a leader inside of each of them.  People were so open and kind to me as I began my journey to learn how schools were implementing it.  I am writing this blog to share what I am seeing and learning now visiting Leader in Me schools across the country.

After serving as a teacher, school counselor, principal and superintendent I now feel it is my mission to assist others in learning about The Leader in Me. I truly believe it is our best hope in helping our students lead fulfilling lives and thus making the world safer and happier for generations to come.

To see my earlier Leader in Me blog from 2011 see: